
How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer Lifetime Value (the amount of profit or revenue a customer generates in their lifetime or a fiscal period) is one of the most important things your company can calculate.

But here's the problem: There is no one sure-fire way to calculate. There are hundreds of different formulas out there ranging in complexity to fit everyone's needs. Don't worry, we're here to help.

The key to CLV is calculating averages. Now, to be honest, my math skills aren't that great and if I get too technical, it will be confusing. So here's a few examples that are simple, easy and most importantly, logical. Also if you could not tell my calculus teacher about my math skills, that would be great too! 

Topics: Marketing

216 Motivational Marketing Quotes for 2014

Being a good marketer is a lot like being a good athlete. Both require a good amount of blood, sweat and tears to achieve the win. We’ve all had days when we don’t want to “carpe diem”, seizing the day sounds worse than spending the weekend without Wi-Fi. We understand, we’ve all been there.

Topics: Marketing

2014 Marketing Calendar

This is the Marketing Calendar for 2014. If you are looking for the Marketing Calendar for 2015, check it out here: Marketing Calendar for 2015

January is not just for recaps and strategy revisions. It's about planning for future opportunities and challenges so you can create improvements, both now and in the future. Everybody knows that marketers and advertisers create content way ahead of holidays and events to generate demand.

Look at the calendar to see what's going on that you could tie to your business and share with your customers. Maybe it's wishing your customers a Happy Valentines Day or maybe its promotion related to an event.

Whatever it is, if you need a little inspiration for your content, the 2014 Marketing Calendar has your back! Here are our top holidays and events that will help you and your business plan ahead for this year.

Topics: Marketing