
How to Optimize Tweets for Google Search: 2015 Edition

Following Twitter’s announcement that Google will again have access to its “firehose” of tweets, marketers are left wondering how this will work and how to optimize their Twitter content for the search engine. We’re here to let you know what exactly this deal means and how it can benefit you.
Topics: Social Media SEO

Best 2015 Mobile Apps For Couples

February 14th is just around the corner and you know what that means!

Valentine's Day calls for mushy couples making out in public while single people around the world eat chocolate and watch romantic comedies.

In the spirit of red hearts and roses, our marketing agency has put together a list of mobile apps just for couples. While you're feeding each other appetizers across the table, check out this list of apps that will take you closer to Jay-Z and Beyonce status.

Topics: Social Media Mobile

Marketing Agency Social Media Mistakes: The Bottom 20

Marketing agencies everywhere are hopping on the social media bandwagon. It's a very powerful marketing tool, but you don't want to be the marketing agency caught using it in the wrong way.

Over and over again, the same mistakes are being made on popular social media sites and it's costing these marketing agencies their prospective clients.

Well thankfully, we're here to help you kick these bad habits. Listed below are the 20 most common social media mistakes marketing agencies are making. Let's just hope you aren't one of them! Check out our list of The Bottom 20.

Topics: Social Media