
Perks of Working at Google

A long long timeago in a galaxy far, far away...Google was born. This long time ago was 1998, and this galaxy was Menlo Park, CA.

Google has become one of the best places to work in just a 16 year span. They are one of the most profitable companies in the world and its shown by how much they've grown.

Employees who work for Google, affectionately named Googlers, are among the happiest in the world.

Topics: Culture

How To Use Twitter's New Organic Analytics Tool

Have you wanted to get more out of your tweets? Find a better way to measure your social media presence than just retweets and favorites? Well your prayers have been answered with Twitter's new organic analytics tool.

Twitter has released a revamped dashboard that allows you to measure organic tweets as well as promoted ones. The only downside is to have access to it you have to be an advertiser, Twitter card publisher or a verified user. 

Topics: Social Media

Google's New Material Design

It looks like Apple might have some competition. Google announced its new (and very impressive) material design at its most recent I/O in June.

Let's just say, this new interface is a serious gamechanger. 

We've seen a lot of success from this company in the past, but Material Design takes the cake. At last year's I/O, Google shared minor updates to existing products but this year they seemed more focused. From the clean design to the more human-like feel, one may predict that Google is on its way to taking over the world (or maybe just our digital screens). 

Topics: Creative