
Why Should My Website Have a Blog?

Artist Stefan Stagmeister once noted: "Keeping a journal promotes personal development.", he was reflecting on the growth made possible just by writing. The same is true for modern businesses, just swap the journal out for a diary, and personal development for business growth - now, you have a 21st century friendly formula for why to create a blog for your website.

So why is it important that you start a blog (preferably right now) for your website? You're about to find out.


Topics: Website Design

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website?

Let me guess: You woke up today, grabbed a cup of coffee and started to browse the web (I did the same, except I spilled my coffee). You looked at your website, and just weren't impressed. Maybe it was the layout, content or a gut feeling that your website isn't performing up to its potential.

Topics: Website Design

Web Design Fads for 2015

In an era defined by innumerable fads, it’s often difficult to determine whether you’re a trendsetter or a social straggler. The worst case scenario is you might be off on what year it is. I would know, I wore a crochet poncho last week.

As our society becomes increasingly consumed by technology, you need to ensure that you’re maximizing potential inbound traffic to your website. We compiled a list of the do’s and don'ts of web design for the upcoming year so you can step up your game.

Topics: Website Design