
Best Portable Projectors for Under $500 - Mac & PC


Just as computers are important in running a business, so are projectors. Projectors are available in different sizes, shapes and specifications but how can you find one that best suits you and your company?

The best projectors should have a balance of performance and value if you want to have an enjoyable viewing experience. They should have excellent resolution and should produce a stunning performance with high-definition material.

Topics: Tech

Google Now vs. Siri

Last year, Google and Verizon teamed up to develop the popular Google Now application. The app gives users the existing Google applications like calendar, maps, search and more, all in one phone app to help manage your day. With its recent release for the iPhone, Google Now is going up against the well-known iPhone app, Siri. Does this mean Siri is going to get left behind with Google Now in the picture? Before we answer, let’s first find out what makes Google Now so great.

Topics: Tech

New iPad 5 Leak: What We Know So Far

Apple has sprung another leak in their system! At this point, with all the leaks they have already experienced, it seems the company is doing this on purpose to get good publicity through social media for their developing projects before they’re officially released. Regardless, everyone is talking about the iPad 5 leak that happened today.

Topics: Apps Tech