
How to Optimize Tweets for Google Search: 2015 Edition

Following Twitter’s announcement that Google will again have access to its “firehose” of tweets, marketers are left wondering how this will work and how to optimize their Twitter content for the search engine. We’re here to let you know what exactly this deal means and how it can benefit you.
Topics: Social Media SEO

NJ SEO Agencies: 12 Best Practices

Internet Marketing? Internet Marketing.

The Internet has become one of the most effective marketing resources available for both small and large businesses regarding attracting potential customers. The use of websites on the Internet is the primary method that many businesses use to market their businesses on the Internet. With websites, businesses are able to market to millions of potential customers online in ways that allow businesses to target their marketing to specific niche markets, general markets or all potential customers.

Topics: SEO

How To Hire The Best SEO Agency In NJ

Okay, so you're looking for the best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency in New Jersey. 

The problem is, how do you find the right one?

There are a lot of SEO agencies in NJ, especially Bergen County, Passaic County, Essex County and Hudson County... so how do you ensure you're hiring the right one for your business and your goals?

This post will give you examples of what type of questions you should ask an SEO agency.

We also provided what an ideal answer would look like (we're good like that).


Topics: SEO