
Best SEO Advice for Businesses

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Are you wondering how to make your site the kind of site that search engines will show in search results? Then you've come to the right place! Here are just a few tips on the best SEO advice that can and will have you quickly start to see your website traffic increase!

For those of you who are not familiar with the term SEO, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO simply means quality control for your websites. Great Content + Quality Links = Search Engine Success.

Topics: SEO

How Do I Increase My Website Traffic?

Being that the Internet has evolved and allowed for so much feedback from users over the years, it has made it very easy to turn any idea into a reality.

When deciding to make a website, creating it may be as simple as when you convince yourself you deserved that second helping of dinner since you took the stairs to the second floor and not the elevator. However, attracting website traffic is the big issue website creators face.

So you have a beautiful new website, now what do you do you? The first step is to optimize it. To have a successful business online, you have to understand the basic pillars of marketing starting with inbound marketing.

Topics: Marketing

Developing Buyer Personas for Businesses: The Key to Company Success


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In the HubSpot Buyer Persona Webinar Series, they define personas as archetypes that describe the various goals and observe behavior patterns among potential users and customers. Now before you try to convince yourself you fully understand that definition and know what this it is, let me explain. Buyer personas are 100 percent necessary in order to have a high customer satisfaction rating and an impeccable relationship with customers.

Personas are based off of a group of people who have similar views on the products they buy as well as similar lifestyles, behaviors and attitudes. These similarities allow companies to improve their marketing toward that specific group of people and create products that those customers will use based on their preferences and goals.

Now that you have some insight on what a persona is, it’s time to get a little bit more in-depth.

Topics: Marketing