
The Ultimate Guide To Optimizing H2 Headings On Your Blog

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a blog or marketing agency that does not utilize the power of H2 headings in each and every post. With Top 10 lists dominating the Internet, including H2 headings in your blog posts is the key to success in 2015, and here's how you can make the most of this important component. 

Topics: SEO

15 Reasons Web Sliders Aren't Working On Your Site

Design is a key factor when it comes down to constructing a website. You can upload images, choose awesome transitions and create killer themes to attract potential leads. There are many trends web designers follow when updating or revamping a page, but there is one fad that you should avoid. Website sliders (also known as carousels) are a big no.

Topics: Website Design

The Ultimate Website Pre-launch Checklist

Even the most experienced digital marketers have seen how stressful a website launch can be. Through all of the complexities of building and launching a website, plenty of little things can get overlooked. What if a form doesn’t process correctly, causing you to lose leads? What if a redirect wasn’t set up and search engines can’t find your page?

With our comprehensive checklist, there is no reason to worry about these problems. This checklist will allow you to launch your site with the peace of mind that no issues are falling through the cracks.


Topics: SEO Website Design