
Multitasking vs. Single-Tasking

Do you think you've mastered the complicated art of multitasking? Well, hate to break it to you, but the idea of “multitasking” is a scientific improbability. If you’re trying to multitask, you’re never giving anything 100 percent of your attention.

For example, have you ever been chatting on the phone while on your way to work, and suddenly you’ve reached your location and seem to have auto-piloted there? This shows how multitasking messes with your brain.

Topics: Culture

Jason Diller Presenting at The NJ Ad Club's Wake-Up Call Seminar

Jason Diller, the Vice President and Marketing Director at The DSM Group, will be speaking at the Wake-Up Call Seminar hosted by The New Jersey Advertising Club on Thursday, March 5, 2015.

Topics: Culture

How To Write An Awesome Content Marketing Mission Statement

Having a mission statement on your content marketing blog can help introduce visitors to your ideas before they've even read one of your posts. Mission statements can add a whole new layer to your blog when done right, but can be boring and off-putting when not. Here is everything you need to build an effective, interesting and inspiring mission statement for your blog or site.

Topics: Content Marketing