

Recent Posts by Nicolette:

Where Are My Competitors Advertising Online?

Ever wonder how that one competitor does so well advertising? Have you considered where your competition is placing ads on the web? Admit it, these are questions that have popped into your head at least once or twice while blogging or brainstorming marketing strategies.

Believe it or not, you do not need to be a member of the Secret Service to discover the search optimization keywords and marketing tactics your competition is using. In fact, it is quite simple to unmask the secret behind utilizing SEO and monitoring mentions, social media and website traffic. Here it is folks, the cat's out of the bag.

Topics: Advertising

Can I Use Any Picture On My Blog?

Do you ever wonder whether or not you are allowed to use the images that you insert into your blog posts? I hate to break it to you, but I bet that the majority of pictures you have ever used are considered to be stolen. On the plus side, I am not connected to the local police authority to report you so you're in the clear (for now).

It is really quite simple to go to Google and look for specific images that compliment what you are writing about, but have you ever asked yourself if you have the legal right to use the pictures that appear in your search? Check out this compiled list of steps to assure that you are completing all of the necessary precautions in finding the perfect, legally usable images.

Topics: Creative

Meet Nicolette "Pizza" Bussanich: One of Our New Interns

My name is Nicolette and I am one of the new interns here at The DSM Group! So far, each of my fellow interns have crazy nicknames besides me, but something that my coworkers do not know yet is that all of my friends refer to me as “Buss,” (short for my Croatian last name, Bussanich). I recently caught the travel bug after studying in Barcelona, Spain for four months so now all I can think about is my desire to backpack through Europe and the possibility of moving back to Barcelona one day.

Topics: Culture