

Recent Posts by Nicolette:

Google's New Material Design

It looks like Apple might have some competition. Google announced its new (and very impressive) material design at its most recent I/O in June.

Let's just say, this new interface is a serious gamechanger. 

We've seen a lot of success from this company in the past, but Material Design takes the cake. At last year's I/O, Google shared minor updates to existing products but this year they seemed more focused. From the clean design to the more human-like feel, one may predict that Google is on its way to taking over the world (or maybe just our digital screens). 

Topics: Creative

Are Ad Agencies Dying?

The digital era is completely revolutionizing the traditional advertising agency model. Methods such as direct mail, billboards, posters, radio and television commercials can be considered to some, as prehistoric practices or even ineffective.

Today, social media, hash-tagging and mentioning have become mainstream ways to connect and share endless amounts of information with peers.

With the ease and cost minimization of sharing via social media, it's no surprise that ad agencies are quickly adapting to these changing times.

Topics: Advertising

Billboard Advertising Costs in NJ

As technology advances, traditional ways of advertising are becoming more and more outdated. Like those worn out jeans in the back of your closet that you just can't bring yourself to get rid of, traditional methods have seen better days.

I know what you're thinking. You still hear plenty of radio ads, pass by countless billboards on the highway and might even pick up the newspaper (and actually read it) on Sundays when you have nothing better to do. Although I advocate more of an inbound approach, traditional methods, such as billboards, are still being used to reach target markets.

Topics: Advertising