
Mobile Apps for Small Business

Let’s be honest. Even with virtually unlimited access to the vast realm of mobile apps that can simplify the daily grind, we are still guilty of limiting ourselves to the biggest time wasters. Mobile apps have unlimited potential to increase productivity for small businesses, both on-the-go and in the workplace. So why are they so vastly underutilized?

Topics: Apps Mobile

Groupon for Businesses: Is it Worth it?


Being a college student definitely has its perks: not having a job Monday-Friday from nine to five, not having to pay back college loans (yet) and finding a place to buy a pitcher of beer for a dollar is as easy as pie, but it’s not all fun and games all the time. According to ABC News, the average college student has about $26,600 in debt. Therefore, the typical “broke college student” persona is becoming more and more common. As a college student myself, I take up a good deal whenever I come across one, especially on Groupon.

Groupon is a website that provides its subscribers with deals-of-the-day coupons via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and the Groupon App. It includes deals for restaurants, services, products, events and much more, providing users with up to 50 percent off goods and services in an effort to drive more business. The enterprise is growing, as there are thirty-five million registered Groupon customers worldwide.

But is investing in Groupon really worth it for companies?

Topics: Apps

New iPad 5 Leak: What We Know So Far

Apple has sprung another leak in their system! At this point, with all the leaks they have already experienced, it seems the company is doing this on purpose to get good publicity through social media for their developing projects before they’re officially released. Regardless, everyone is talking about the iPad 5 leak that happened today.

Topics: Apps Tech