

Caitlyn is a senior at Ramapo College. She is a marketing major. In her free time she likes working out, reading, and baking desserts.

Recent Posts by Caitlyn:

How To Measure Inbound Marketing ROI

The digital age of marketing can bring about questions that lead to more questions. Buzzwords permeate the field, and marketing agencies trip over understanding the endless marketing concepts—inbound, outbound, analytics, metrics, funnels, leads, traffic and ROI.

The truth is, familiarizing yourself with the bounty of strategies and tactics to succeed in driving online business your way is essential, and ROI (return on investment) is one of the foundations of inbound marketing.

Topics: Inbound Marketing

Attacking The Gap Between Your 2015 Marketing Goals & Current Plans

With the New Year comes a new chance to evaluate your past and transform it into something more current. It's a new, fresh start for your business. Ideally, each year should bring fresh insights and a thorough outline of where your business is going.

As 2015 swiftly approaches, so does the opportunity to take a look at last year’s marketing goals, dissect how effective they were and redirect and alter where necessary. This is a great way to get started on your marketing plan for 2015.

We're here to help you close the gap between your marketing goals and your current marketing activities.

Topics: Marketing

How To Help Your Client Figure Out Their Customer Acquisition Cost

In the business world, counting costs is all part of the game, there's no way around it. Whether it's the cost of paper clips, replacing chairs or buying new computers, every dime you spend can make or break your bottom line. Some of these costs are easy to calculate but others... not so much.

The cost of customer acquisition (COCA) or more commonly known as the customer acquisition cost (CAC) falls into the "not-so-easy to calculate" category because the process involves more than just reading the price tag.

Whether you're a business owner, a marketing agency or a B2C company looking to better inform your clients, the more you know about CAC and how to calculate it, the better off you'll be!

Okay, I know what you're thinking... it's hard enough to keep up with all the business acronyms and now they expect me to learn a formula to go with it?? But stop worrying, that's why we're here!

Topics: Startups