
How To Measure Inbound Marketing ROI

The digital age of marketing can bring about questions that lead to more questions. Buzzwords permeate the field, and marketing agencies trip over understanding the endless marketing concepts—inbound, outbound, analytics, metrics, funnels, leads, traffic and ROI.

The truth is, familiarizing yourself with the bounty of strategies and tactics to succeed in driving online business your way is essential, and ROI (return on investment) is one of the foundations of inbound marketing.

Topics: Inbound Marketing

What Are The Most Important Inbound Marketing KPIs

It's no secret that the key to success in the modern economy is having a strong online presence. But what exactly does that mean? How can you get customers to come to you?

One of the smartest ways to get customers to come to you is through inbound marketing efforts. The problem with these though is that even if you have potential customers coming to you, checking you out, finding you through your inbound marketing efforts, how can you prove it?

Topics: Inbound Marketing

How to Run a Year End Inbound Marketing Review

How effective were your online campaigns last year? It’s a great question to ask if you’re a business or a marketing agency. The key to success for most businesses is to attract and retain new customers—and lately, inbound marketing seems to be one of the most essential tools. A year end inbound marketing review is exactly what it sounds like. It is assessing how well the attempts you made to drive business your way through content and the wide variety of web platforms worked for you.

An inbound marketing review consists of a few evaluations and remembering what you set forth to do at the beginning of the year—so hopefully you have it written down somewhere. Begin by looking at your goals and delve into your finances (including the good, the bad and the ugly numbers). Move on to discussing changes that have occurred over the past year, and then take a good, hard look at facts: What worked, what didn’t and what will. Gauge what you’ve learned and apply it in a positive way for what you can do in the future.

A year end inbound marketing review will give you the insight to adapt and improve. There will always be new platforms to conquer and customers to be had if you are willing to dissect, reorient and rebuild tactics.

Topics: Inbound Marketing