

Recent Posts by Kevin:

GatherContent: A Review

Regardless of the type of work you may do, communication is essential for any business. Poor communication can lead to many mistakes but great communication can lead to unparalleled success. In order to avoid the chaos and frustration that typically surrounds communication in business, the website and program GatherContnet was created.

Topics: Apps

How to Hire the Best Advertising Agency in New Jersey

You have the potential, you have a product or service to provide and you have a strong business to provide it. Now you need help advertising it and the best way to do so is by hiring an advertising agency.

You don't want to get taken advantage of by choosing the wrong ad agency. There are certain criteria that need to be met in order to pick the agency that's best for you.

Topics: Advertising

Best 5 April Fools' Day Jokes in Tech

It's April Fools' Day! The day where people get to release the diabolical pranks they've been planning for weeks against their friends, family, coworkers and, of course, customers.

Topics: Tech