

Recent Posts by Elizabeth:

Why Should My Website Have a Blog?

Artist Stefan Stagmeister once noted: "Keeping a journal promotes personal development.", he was reflecting on the growth made possible just by writing. The same is true for modern businesses, just swap the journal out for a diary, and personal development for business growth - now, you have a 21st century friendly formula for why to create a blog for your website.

So why is it important that you start a blog (preferably right now) for your website? You're about to find out.


Topics: Website Design

Meet Elizabeth "Burger King" Armistead: One of Our New Interns

Bonjour mes amis. I'm Elizabeth (Elle/Ellie/Beckely/L/Burger King) and I'm a summer intern here at The DSM Group. I'll begrudgingly admit that I'm now a senior (WAH) at Indiana University, with majors in International Communication, and Telecommunications, and even though any professional will tell you your minors in college matter even less than your major, I threw two in the mix anyway- French and Communication & Culture.

When I'm not in Bloomington lounging in my sorority house or cheering on the Hoosiers at any IU sporting event (except for Football, although you can definitely find me in the tailgating lot), I'm pretty much always eating NY pizza, drinking Starbucks, painting my nails, or partaking in any other #basic activity you can think of.

Topics: Culture