
Dan Reyes

Dan Reyes

Dan is the Content Marketing Manager at The DSM Group. A certified EMT and former court reporter, Dan has a passion for writing, blogging and content marketing (of course). When not at work, you can find him hiking, playing basketball or at a local thrift store buying something he probably doesn't need.

Recent Posts by Dan Reyes:

Do I Need to Worry About Google's Algorithm Changes?

Google updates its search algorithm more than 300 times a year, and each time it does, "SEO" companies (read: the competition) go scrambling.

"This changes everything!" They scream as they furiously and fervently try to figure out how to "beat the system" again.

This trend of "change and complain" happens more and more often as these agencies continue to try and game the system for instant results. If only they knew the one secret to dominating search results year in and year out, even when Google decides to change their algorithm.

Quality content.

Behind the Seams Fashion Show Tonight

Today is the day! Tonight, Sal Lauretta for Men, one of the area's most exclusive shops for menswear and custom tailoring, will be hosting their annual fashion show to highlight their new men's and boy's lines.

Behind the Seams 2013 will be held at Hawthorne's Bottagra Restaurant located on 80 Wagaraw Road at 6 p.m. for the benefit of Eva's Village, a non-profit comprehensive social service organization located in Paterson, NJ.

Topics: Events