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How To Use Twitter's New Organic Analytics Tool

Written by Maggie | 2:45 PM on July 15, 2014

Have you wanted to get more out of your tweets? Find a better way to measure your social media presence than just retweets and favorites? Well your prayers have been answered with Twitter's new organic analytics tool.

Twitter has released a revamped dashboard that allows you to measure organic tweets as well as promoted ones. The only downside is to have access to it you have to be an advertiser, Twitter card publisher or a verified user. 

What is It?

If you fall into the category of advertiser, Twitter card publisher or verified account, things are looking up because you now have access to Twitter's recently launched analytics tool. Twitter decided to jump on the bandwagon and join other social media platforms by giving more power to the people (literally). 

Let's take a step back and talk about what the Twitter analytics tool was before its so-called face-lift. Twitter previously only gave analytic access to advertisers who paid to promote tweets. If you were a part of their promoted tweets program, you got access to your impressions, replies and links clicked. But there wasn't any type of data to see how organic tweets (a regular non-promoted message) faired in the Twitterverse. 

This new tool gives a wider user base the ability to see and make the most of their organic content. It gives you access to impression and engagement rates for not only your organic tweets but your promoted ones as well. You can take a dive into key metrics for specific tweets like the number of times a tweet was expanded, how often the link was clicked, shared via email and the number of clicks on your user handle.

Some Features

For the first time, advertisers will be able to see just how much interaction their organic tweets receive. This will help them better utilize their content strategies.

You know what they say, timing is everything. With this new feature you’ll actually be able to see what time is best for you to post your content, guaranteeing your audience will be around to click your link.

Here's a preview of what you'll get out of the new dashboard:

  • See how your tweets are performing in real time.
  • Compare impressions (See how many times a tweet is viewed by anyone on Twitter, Android or IOS apps, including logged-out users).
  • See total engagements and retweets month over month.
  • Use the Tweet details page to see how many retweets, replies, favorites, follows, link clicks and embedded media clicks tweets receive.
  • Export tweet performance metrics into a CVS file including both organic and promoted.

How It Improves Your Native Advertising

Knowing more about how your organic tweets are doing can help you figure out what is and isn't working in your Twitter strategy. It can help you optimize both your organic and promoted tweets. 

You may be wondering how this new dashboard is going to help your native advertising. Well, before this new and enhanced dashboard you could only measure the tweets you paid for (promoted tweets) but now since you can measure your organic tweets, you can figure out what interests your audience and what doesn't. 

This is beneficial not only for you, but for your target audiences. By seeing what type of content appeals to them you can create or use promoted ads that are going to catch their eye.

This in turn is going to save money. You're now able to easily determine what promoted tweets you should run, and with the dashboard you can also nail down the best time to send those tweets out.

Another plus of being able to learn about the performance of your organic tweets is that it provides opportunities to build trust with your audiences. Promoted tweets can come off deceptive to consumers, and they can often cause more harm than good.

But by using organic tweets to promote content and engage in full disclosure you can sprinkle in your promoted tweets and make the most of your native advertising.

Best Practices

With the new upgrade comes new set of practices. The dashboard should be your friend and if you follow these guidelines you can make the most of your content strategy.

  • Pay attention to when you're tweeting. Figure out which time of the day and what day of the week produces the highest engagements and impressions.
  • Analyze the frequency of your tweets. Utilize your new insights into determining a tweet rhythm.
  • Find out what Tweet mechanics work and which don’t. Be aware of certain elements like different calls to action, the inclusion of rich media and copy length.
  • Newsjacking and event-jacking, @mentioning influential Twitter users and hashtags.

In order to reach your audience the most important thing to keep in mind, tweet consistently

What are your thoughts on Twitter's new tool? Let us know in the comments below!