Blog - The DSM Group

Meet Kailee "Fiesty" Gori: One of Our New Interns

Written by Kailee | 9:01 PM on January 28, 2015

My name is Kailee Gori and I love Quest Bars, craft beer, the word “rude,” dogs, Harry Potter and the NY Giants. 

I’m the oldest of four girls, which means there is never an open bathroom or a TV available for Netflix in my house. This also makes me crazy responsible, earning me the nickname “mom” from my friends.

If someone asked me six months ago where I would be right now, I would have told them that I’d be on my couch with my dogs watching Scandal with some Trader Joe’s dried mangoes in hand. Instead, I am one of the new spring interns for The DSM Group, being far more productive than my previous plan. 

My unconventional college experience

I’m currently pushing through my final semester of my senior year at William Paterson University. I'm majoring in Communications with a focus in Public Relations. At WPU, I am an officer in the Student Public Relations Association and a member of Her Campus, where I write fun stuff and do social media, but this wasn’t always my plan.

I began my college journey at the University of Rhode Island as a Social Work major, where I left after one measly semester because my dad offered me a puppy to come home (I also hated it there, but puppies are more important). I then did some time at Sussex County Community College as a Graphic Design major. After getting enough credits to escape from SCCC, I found myself at WPU not really knowing what I wanted to do. I decided Communications seemed broad enough and that’s where it all began.

How I ended up here

I wish I could say that I have a cool and witty story about how I got here, but it’s unfortunately pretty standard.

The DSM Group has been present at the WPU internship fair the past two years, and ever since the first time I laid eyes on them I knew it was meant to be (I am aware of how creepy that sounds, but I’m rolling with it). Really, who wouldn’t want to intern in an office where you can wear leggings every day and has beer on tap?

After talking with Carol and Nick at the internship fair this past fall, I was convinced that I had to be a part of their team. I applied shortly following the fair and had an interview a few weeks later. You know how the rest goes.

I’ve been here just over two weeks now, and I couldn’t be happier. I learn something new pretty much every hour of every day and have a blast doing it. This internship is teaching me things I would never learn in classes and I’m looking forward to what’s to come for the rest of the semester!