Blog - The DSM Group

Meet Caitlyn "Smalls" Ferrara: One of Our New Interns

Written by Caitlyn | 4:00 PM on September 8, 2014

Hey guys! My name is Caitlyn and I’m one of the new interns here at The DSM Group for the fall semester. 

I always hated the question, “what do you do for fun?” because you tend to realize that you’re actually a lot more boring than you thought.

But here it goes: I love reading. I could read a sappy love story every day of the week. I also will never ever turn down a dessert…ever. I consider chocolate its own food group. I love country music, working out, puppies, and clothes but that’s all so typical.

Here's My Very Real, Truthful Story...

I’m still in shock and actually quite bitter about the fact that I am being forced into the real world of being a grown up. As the youngest of four, I have always been the baby. As a kid, I did not speak a word to anybody except my family. You think I’m kidding? I wish I were. The doctor diagnosed me as “selectively mute”, but I never really believed that was a real thing.

One time in kindergarten, we all had to bring in a toy for show and tell, but show and tell wasn’t really my thing (for obvious reasons). So I had to tape record myself at home on those old tape recorders and play it in front of my class instead. My friends started calling me "cait the mute” after that, it was just wonderful. I never really shook the name, but since then I have broken out of my shell a lot.

 Summer Shenanigans

Since then, I still have the youngest child syndrome and spent my summer wishing I would not grow up. My carefree spirit was wondering why I was not still studying abroad in Italy, pretending that I could speak Italian and eating a lot of gelato and buying a lot of Italian clothes. So instead of doing productive things (that my parents constantly reminded me of doing), I spent my summer binge watching reruns of “The Hills” on MTV and pinning 303 different desserts on Pinterest.

Then Came The DSM Group

One day I heard a little ding on my cell phone, but it should have sounded like the angels from up above giving me a miracle. It was an email from my old marketing professor telling me about a marketing internship position at The DSM Group. I jumped right on that opportunity mostly just to please my parents but also feeling excited about it.

After two interviews, I patiently waited for a call. When it finally came my heart stopped when Diller started off with, “I’m sorry but……” followed right after by, “YOU GOT THE INTERNSHIP!” and from there I knew this was the company for me.

Finally Feeling Like an Adult

This internship is basically a huge “WELCOME TO ADULTHOOD CAITLYN” sign. Even though I was slightly terrified to become a grown up, I couldn’t be happier that this company is where I get to start my journey. I work best in a relaxed and friendly environment and that is the definition of this company. This is a place where I feel I can let loose and really show my personality while learning a lot about marketing that I’ve never known before.