Blog - The DSM Group

New iPad 5 Leak: What We Know So Far

Written by Kevin | 1:13 PM on April 18, 2013

Apple has sprung another leak in their system! At this point, with all the leaks they have already experienced, it seems the company is doing this on purpose to get good publicity through social media for their developing projects before they’re officially released. Regardless, everyone is talking about the iPad 5 leak that happened today.

Apple has not yet confirmed this, nor will they for a while. However, several pictures were released over the Internet today, thanks to Tactus, showing two new cases for an iPad. The dimensions of the cases are different than that of any out so far, which has lead many people to believe that a new iPad is on the way!

Sources say that the new iPad is going to be 15 percent thinner than the last one. The mechanics to how this is possible without losing any key functions is unclear, but knowing Apple, I would not doubt that they have found a way. Apple is well recognized for their innovative technology and downsizing approaches.

The new iPad is also said to be much lighter, partly due to the fact that it is thinner and uses less material, but also due to the new battery pack. Apple is said to have found a way to use less energy with the iPad, which will allow for a smaller battery. A smaller battery will lead to a much lighter device (for most computer and tablets, the battery is one of the heaviest components).

More about the iPad 5 is sure to come, but for now that’s all we know.