Grovo is a seamless and free way to teach you about many of the major websites and services that people use on a daily basis.
Think back to the instruction manuals you pore over every time you get a new appliance or gadget and imagine they were transformed into a clean and crisp minute long video that can break down the steps of everything you need to know. That's Grovo.
To put it plainly, Grovo seems to be a classier and more efficient “...For Dummies” book to help everyone navigate their way through this social media world.
The method behind the madness is simple; people hate having to sift through endless information to learn the new features of our favorite social media sites. By putting everything together in a neat little package with a bow on top, everyone’s life becomes a little bit easier.
A few of the sites they provide information about include Amazon, Google and Google Services, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, Dropbox, Yelp and even Foursquare.
After watching the short videos they provide you with the chance to take a quiz and become certified on the subject!
For those of you who are approaching the program and apps with skepticism, you’re right to be a little worried. Although the offerings of the site expand past what I’ve mentioned above, much of the free information provided seems geared towards those who don’t know much about the most frequented and popular websites to begin with.
Grovo is handy for helping those not-so-technologically-inclined individuals interested in staying current with the lastest and greatest social media sites and their updates. People with questions ranging from which buttons to press to what a "Wall" is and everything in between can now be sent directly to Grovo.
One of the things I love most about the company so far is that despite only being roughly two-and-a-half years old, they have realized their avenues to expand. They just recently began releasing daily YouTube videos called “The Daily Grovo Presents,” in which they humorously talk about recent updates and changes to frequently used websites.
Grovo Premium is also available, which focuses on offering training for business-related sites and applications. Grovo advertises it as a great way to train and inform your staff.
Regardless of whether you consider yourself to be an internet expert, beginner or somewhere in the middle with social media, I recommend giving Grovo a shot. I’d say the odds are pretty good you’ll learn something new, and if not, a quick refresher course never hurt anyone.
You can find out more about Grovo here.